When you request work to be done by HiGain Design Services, you can expect top quality and experience. We keep close control of our databases to insure that the product you receive is correct first time every time. All PCBs/PWBs, no matter how big or small, receive the same level of checks and reviews to make sure the design can be fabricated and assembled at the most reasonable cost. We do not cut corners to save us time and cost you more later.
We provide a PWB/PCB layout service using some of the most powerful CAD (computer aided design) tools in the industry. We have the ability to work with many schematic inputs, or create the schematics you need.
We can assist your mechanical designers in the packaging of your products by supplying layout files that can be read into mechanical CAD tools.
If you need test nodes/test points and locations for in-circuit test or assembly line programming, we have the tools to add and report test nodes where ever needed.
*All boards receive a complete and extensive DRC (design rule check).
*Data supplied to customer at completion of every project includes: Fabrication files CAM Assembly files Drawing files Design files
For more information please contact us via e-mail at You may also call us at 770-921-3129. We look forward to serving you.